Saturday, June 5, 2010

Creepy Restoration Hardware furniture

I love me some Restoration Hardware, but lately RH has had some WEIRD-ass furniture in their catalog (Dracula's chair) including some that are downright creepy (log home yard sale find). I know people want their gentrified home to appear as if the furniture was drop-shipped from a French Chateau but these bits beg the question: who buys such eclectic pieces???

Scary Chair.
If you've been bad, mommy and daddy will put you in Scary Chair.
Scary Chair may eat you.

Creepy chandelier appears to be made from old Motel 6 curtains and tongue depressors.
Its imperfection is bound by roadkill gut.

This isn't actually old baggage, it's furniture made to look like old baggage. The juxtaposition of a permanent, expensive television set on top of something that's impermanent and meant to be stored, kicked and moved around is odd. Baggage is supposed to be whisked away at a moment's notice, it looks temporary.

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